
Major Projects & In Progress

Boyden Lab @ MIT McGovern/Media Lab

Working towards whole brain emulation, starting with C. elegans, under D. Deng. Developing RNNs/alternate models using theories of consciousness, enhancing the diSPIM microscope & image segmentation pipelines, designing GEVI (voltage indicators), etc.

Jasanoff Lab @ MIT McGovern/CSAIL

Designing complex circuits for better MRI imaging to understand neurofeedback circuits.

Desimone Lab @ MIT McGovern

Behavioral analysis of free-moving marmosets in correlation with ASD & social behaviors.

Contrary Venture Partner

Part of the venture partner program at Contrary Capital, where I help source and evaluate deals.

Research Science Institute (Summer 2022, 2023)

As part of the Visual Attention Lab at Harvard Medical School under Prof. Jeremy Wolfe and a student at RSI (Research Science Institute), I did research on Spatial and Temporal Massive Memory and the extent of their correlation, in addition to developing a platform for human experimentation for such massive memory experiments. [Update: I will be an RSI 2023 counselor as well & working at the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab!]

AngelHacks (2018-2023)

I founded AngelHacks 1.0 in 2018 into a hackathon hosted at Snapchat HQ with 150+ mentors and amazing prizes and workshops! AngelHacks 2.0 (in 2021) had 1000+ attendees and we were able to run many workshops and have awesome people talk. I have raised up to $10k+ in donations and much more in in-kind sponsorships. AngelHacks 3.0 (& we partnered w/ Hack Club to make it the official HC Spring Event) was a 24-hour game jam in Boston in 2023, where people came together to make rhythm games, lambda calculus explorers, puzzle games, text-based quizzes, and more!

SineRider - A game about love, math, and graphing. (Summer 2022)

A game of love, math, and graphing <3. I helped lead a team of Hack Club teenagers to create a game with Polytroper (Chris Walker) to teach players the wonders of function composition through a beautiful game of skiing and love. Our prototype launch reached #2 on the front page of HackerNews and got lots of feedback from amazing people like Nicky Case and Grant Sanderson! Public beta launched, find the link to the trailer here.

ExCStential Ethics

An independent project with Dr. Kiran Bhardwaj & Olha @ Andover on Tech Ethics (something I've been interested in for a while)! We researched/read papers on privacy, EA/AI, competition, and design ethics. A list of readings we've done is linked here, you should check it out! In addition, click on this card to see some of the essays we wrote & find our final presentation on privacy policy here.

UCLA LONN Lab Intern (2018-2023)

I analyze brain imaging data and assist programmers on the development of virtual and augmented reality experiments to be used in participates with implanted neural electrodes, as well as am spearheading my own project!

MIT PRIMES CS (2021-22)

Work on creating an efficient algorithm for bi-core decomposition of graphs and achieved a higher speedup and an improvement of theoretical work and span based on previous work. Won the S.T.-Yau Global Science Award and Best CS Project and was presented at AMS-PME JMM 2022 & ACM-SIAM SODA APOCS 2023. You can find the github here, our poster, initial PRIMES paper, or click for the published paper.

Intern @ Hack Club (Summer 2020)

Over summer of 2021, I interned at Hack Club HQ at Vermont working mainly on the Zephyr (linked; a cross-country train-based hackathon), especially on hacker and technical experience as well as some fundraising efforts. The Hacker Zephyr was life changing <3.

Phillipian State Of The Academy 2023

As digital editor of Phillips Academy's newspaper, The Phillipian, I developed the annual State of the Academy (SOTA), a report based on data collected from the majority of the student body (the survey is completely anonymous and specific data is kept private). This publication is referenced to by faculty, alumni, students, and so on. SOTA won the 2022 NSPA Digital Story of the Year interactive graphic award.

DeepAI Intern (2019-2021)

After working on a project with DeepAI in 2019, I started to intern for them. I worked in content development, doing research on data science, writing articles, and marketing/outreach.

Hack Club Community Team (2019-Present)

I am employed as a community team member at Hack Club to encourage engagement and retention for new members whilst also keeping the environment both wholesome and technical for club members and leaders worldwide.

Anomaly Science Board / Executive (2019-Present)

I'm on the board and am CMO of Anomaly Science, which focuses on honing the art of the artisans through legal aid, engagement, the particle system, and the community. Currently raising our Series A round.

Memory Sports

I'm a memory athlete (which sounds peculiar, but click this card to get started) and I was the longest reigning Words champion in the world on Memory League, 3rd place nationally at USAMC held at MIT (in which I was the youngest competitor out of various adults and older students), and the Youth Champion at the Taiwan International Championship. In addition, I was the 2021 World Speed Reading Champion at MSO. In fact, doing memory sports was what got me interested in neuroscience and especially memory!



Phillipian Digital Editor

Digital Editor of Phillips Academy's The Phillipian CXLV (previously an associate editor). Working on exploring data journalism, amplifying voices to marginalized communities on campus, and so on. :)

Nujjet (prev. TARDIS) (2021-Present)

NUJJET is our response to the widespread pandemic of high school stress of today. By creating a low cost neuroscience headset to monitor and modulate your brain (EEG/tDCS cap), we can help you study more effectively, and make long term changes. (Participated/won in Conrad Challenge, GATSVI, and Hack Club) (Hiatus)

MIRAI (2018-2019)

MIRAI is a neural network that detects and outlines brain tumors in MRI brain scans. This model utilizes meta-learning and a MASK R-CNN to be able to detect brain tumors with an accuracy that rivals that of a professional. MIRAI takes in a MRI head scan and spits out a labeled one, as well as a precise outline of the tumor. Disclaimer: this model is for practice purposes only.

Mind Over Matter

Neuroscientists are driven to understand a three-pound mass of neurons and glia pondering the morality and risks of studying themselves. Neuro-ethics is a broad field, yet evaluating the risks and benefits of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) is a timely and critical topic due to the rapid development of technologies, including implants and wearables electronics.

Supersingular Ratio of Elliptic Curves (2018-2019)

This paper starts with an overview of elliptic curves and then summarizes the Lang-Trotter conjecture. It aims to show that the ratio of Supersingular primes that are 2 (mod 3) to those that are 1 (mod 3) approaches 2.


My final project for CS 630B Data Visualization (you can find my portfolio for it here). Feel free to upload your own mp3 files or use the preloaded ones!

IQ and Misleading Data

Is IQ a thing? We think no, and prove it by showing how easily we can create misleading graphs and data from some simple finagling and tricks.

Hack Club AMA Hosting

I've hosted/helped with many AMAs with Hack Club (for Simone Giertz, Tom Preston-Werner, Chris Cox, Nicky Case, Gwynne Shotwell, Vitalik Buterin, Elon Musk) after initially proposing the idea!

Arena of Memory Streaming

I do a lot of memory sports, and recently have been commentating on matches (and appearing on others), and most notably, the arena of memory, which is on twitch @ memorysportstv!

Halo Charity

AngelHacks had remaining funds and we hoped to be able to donate a portion of it towards getting masks to those in need. We were able to donate a many K-N95 masks to non-medical yet essential public service workers.